JERUSALEM, the Holy City, is more precious to the heart of the Lord than any other city. Scripture says that the Lord abides in Zion and calls us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Roughly 3,000 years ago, King David made Jerusalem the all-time capital. Today, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, home to Israeli parliament, the Knesset, and the largest city in Israel. The Lord loves the Gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. Glorious things are ascribed to you, O city of God. Selah. Psalm 87:3

THE MOUNT OF OLIVES is where Jesus entered the city, wept over the city, ascended to heaven and is going to return. It is Holy Ground! Named for the olive groves, the Mount of Olive still has many olive trees on its slopes which remain till today. The oldest and largest Jewish cemetery in the world is on the Mount of Olives. At the foot of the Mount of Olives is the Church of All Nations at Gethsemane where Jesus was betrayed and arrested. Gethsemane means "oil press" and the olive trees here in the garden are among the oldest in the world.
THE OLD CITY walls were built by Ottoman Suleiman the Magnificent in 1535. They surround the four quarters of the Old City (Jewish, Christian, Armenian and Moslem quarters). In the heart of the Christian Quarter is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, housing the final stations of the Via Dolorosa. Eight city gates are incorporated in the Old City wall which include Zion Gate, Jaffa Gate, New Gate, Damascus Gate, Herod's Gate, Lions' Gate and the sealed double arched Golden Gate or Eastern Gate. Ezekiel saw the glory of the Lord returning to the Holy Temple through the gate facing east. Today, visitors stroll through the Old City's charming alleyways with colorful shops. There are also archaeological sites to see while in the Old City, including the Western Wall and tunnels, Southern Excavations, and the Broad Wall. Just outside Damascus Gate is the Garden Tomb, which is also a possible location for the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Christ. Today, many visit the beautiful Garden, view the tomb and have a time of reflection, prayer and communion.

THE TEMPLE MOUNT is the most holy and disputed property on the face of the earth. It was here on Mount Moriah where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac, King David bought the threshing floor from Araunah and King Solomon built the Holy Temple. The second Temple was built by Zerrubabel and renovated by King Herod in 20 BC. It is considered the holiest site in Judaism as the Holy of Holy of Holies and the presence of the Lord appeared here. Three times a year, Jews would make their pilgrimage to the Holy Temple for the sacrifices. The Dome of the Rock, which is located on the Temple Mount today, was built in 685 AD. Visitors can walk the grounds of the Temple Mount today.
THE SOUTHERN STEPS are located just within Dung Gate in the Davidson Archaeological Park. In 1967, archaeologists uncovered 32 steps leading up to the Holy Temple. These led up to the triple and double gates, the main entrance to the Temple. Rabbis taught on these stairs and one can only imagine how Jesus would have taught here. On the western side of the park, Robinson's Arch, can be seen protruding from the Western Wall and was the entrance for the merchants to the Temple. Below the arch is the Cardo, the ancient shopping street.

THE WESTERN WALL was built by Herod the Great and is the western retaining wall that surrounded the Temple Mount. Temple was destroyed by Titus and the 10th Roman Legion in 70 AD. Without a stone left of the Holy Temple, the Western Wall has become the closest connection to the Holy Temple for the Jews. It has become an open air synagogue where people come 24/7 to pray. Over a million prayers are placed in the Western Wall yearly.
THE CITY OF DAVID is a major archaeological site located on the slope of Mount Zion. It was here that King David conquered the city from the Jebusites 3,000 years ago and united the 12 tribes, making Jerusalem the all-time capital of Israel. If the rocks could only cry out and tell the history of Mount Zion. The excavations are incredible here with so many different layers of civilization including the Pool of Siloam, Hezekiah's Tunnel, Warren's Shaft, Jebusite water tunnel, and much more. Excavations have uncovered and revealed physical evidence and proof of many of the biblical events.